The new Vibrabsorber PS+Sylomer® are spring mounts for anti-vibration purposes that have the capability to be pre-loaded. Thanks to the design of their metal parts, the Vibrabsorber PS+Sylomer® spring-mounts allow to add a pre stress on the anti-vibration mount.
The AMC-MECANOCAUCHO® type Vibrabsorber PS+Sylomer® are ideal for stationary applications where the anti-vibration mount must not exceed a certain height either for the installation or during the maintenance of the machine when liquids are extracted and the mount must not exceed a certain height. Thanks to their low stiffness, they are often used on applications where a high isolation degree is required at low disturbing frequencies (600 to 1000 rpm).
UNSPSC Codes: 23153130
Technical Characteristics
The design of these anti vibration mounts is composed of metal parts in omega shape that allow a preload of the mount. This is often necessary on HVAC equipment that is connected to piping and the mount must not raise during the maintenance, due to the extraction of liquids. For some cases when the spring mount must be inserted or slided on a gap, this feature is interesting for the assembly.
These mounts are equipped of Sylomer® pad for the isolation of high frequencies that may go through the coil springs.
The elastic properties remain the same as the actual range of our Vibrabsorber spring mounts.The load range of these mounts is from 50 to 750Kg per anti-vibration mount.
The metal parts are epoxy coated in order to withstand to arduous corrosive environments.
The AMC-MECANOCAUCHO® Vibrabsorber PS+Sylomer® are used on stationary applications where disturbing frequency is low and due to maintenance or assembly they must not exceed a certain height. For example generator sets, HVAC equipment, pumps or ventilators.
Spring supported HVAC equipment such as cooling towers will normally use vertically preloaded spring isolators. This type of isolator restricts the vertical movement of the cooling tower and its ability to damage interfacing piping during those periods when water is drained, either for maintenance or because of seasonal equipment use. Because a substantial amount of the weight of an operating cooling tower is the water weight, a drained tower can conceivably weigh half to a third as much as a full one. With high deflection coils, the removal of this weight will result in the tower being forced significantly upward by the isolators. It is this motion that can damage the interfacing piping or utility connections. While the vertically restrained isolators prevent this motion, they do so at the expense of adding a vibration path (or “short”) around to the isolation system.