
DSD mountings have comparable stiffness rates vertically and horizontally making them very effective against random vibrations in either plane.


DSD anti vibration mounts design provides excellent radial and axial flexibility making them most suitable for the suspension of machines where isolation of both vertical and horizontal vibration components occur. DSD mounts comprise of two flat metal parts. The top metal part is circular with either a tapped central boss or an internal welded nut for attaching the mount to the machine frame .The lower metal part has an oval shape with two holes to allow fixing to the support structure of the machine .

 UNSPSC Codes: 23153130

DSD + Bell

DSD anti vibration mounts design provides excellent radial and axial flexibility making them most suitable for the suspension of machines where isolation of both vertical and horizontal vibration components occur. DSD mounts comprise of two flat metal parts. The top metal part is circular with either a tapped central boss or an internal welded nut for attaching the mount to the machine frame .The lower metal part has an oval shape with two holes to allow fixing to the support structure of the machine .

UNSPSC Codes: 23153130